If you currently access Therapeutic Guidelines at your place of work or study without a password, you may be eligible for a token to access the Therapeutic Guidelines app.

The token is linked to the email address you use for registration which will be required for you to login to the app. Tokens allow you to download the content within the app and are renewed annually.

To renew an existing token, click on the first link and complete the form.

If you would like to register to receive a token for the first time, click on the second link and complete the form.

Please note: For a token to be successfully renewed or registered, you must access the form either by logging in via your institution’s intranet or by being at your place of work or study.

To renew an existing token, please click here.

To register to receive a token for the first time, please click here.

Frequently asked questions

Am I eligible for a token to access the Therapeutic Guidelines app?

If you currently access Therapeutic Guidelines without a password you may be eligible for an Therapeutic Guidelines app token. However, not all workplaces or educational providers have access to the app included in their subscription, so it is recommended that you contact your library or the team in charge of organising point of care resources before attempting to register for a token.

Can I use my Therapeutic Guidelines app token on more than one device?

No, each Therapeutic Guidelines app token can only be used once, on a single device.

I’ve recently changed device and cannot log in to the Therapeutic Guidelines app. How do I reset my token?

Please contact our customer service team by completing this form. Our team will organise for your token to be reissued and a notification with updated login details will be sent to your registered email address. 

I already have the Therapeutic Guidelines app downloaded.  Why do I need to renew my token?

Access to the Therapeutic Guidelines app is provided by your place of work or study through an annual subscription, which requires that all tokens be reset at the end of the subscription period.

The “Reset my token” form is saying that the institution is not detected. What could be the problem?

We use this form to validate whether you are eligible to receive a token. It detects whether are at your place of work or study (within the IP range) or have come through to the form from your institution’s intranet. If your institute is not being detected, it could be due to one of the following issues:

  • You are not at your place of work or study
  • You are not connected to the wifi network for your place of work or study
  • Your place of work or study does not use IP address as a method of validation

The other methods of validation used are:

  • OpenAthens (single sign on)
  • Referral via your intranet or portal

If you’re not sure what validation method your place of work or study uses, please contact your library or the team in charge of organising point of care resources.